Student Arrivals & Dismissals

Late Arrivals

If tardy, a parent must come in with their child to sign in with the time, reason, and parent signature. If parent cannot come in, the child must have a signed note from the parent with the reason. A doctor’s note is acceptable. Students arriving after 9:10 am must check in at the Administrative Center, Bldg. 1, before going to their classes. A pass will be issued to the student. The student must present this pass to enter class. Students are expected to be in class and in their seats before the tardy bell rings at 9:15am. Tardy policy will be enforced and consequences will be provided as necessary.

Early Dismissals

When signing a student out early, you must be present (no prior phone calls), show a picture ID and SIGN your child out. We will then start the process of releasing your child from class. Please allow at least a 20 minute wait and plan accordingly for appointments, especially at dismissal time. Students will not be called out of class after 3:30 P.M. (2:30 P.M. on Wednesdays). Please make an effort to schedule appointments, etc. around the school day.

Only those listed on the front office card will be allowed to sign your child out. Please list all possible relatives, friends, and older siblings that may pick up your child. Remember that emergency cards and front office cards are updated each school year – last year’s cards are not valid. If a different situation arises, a note signed and dated by the parent/guardian along with a photo copy of your Driver’s License is required to release a student. If any additions or changes need to be made to your student’s card, please be sure to contact the front office. Item Drop Off A large part of middle school is helping our students become independent. We ask that parents refrain from dropping off forgotten items to the front office (homework, PE clothes, projects etc.). We know there are occasional emergencies and we will work with those on an individual basis. At no time should a parent be delivering outside food or beverages to the student during the school day nor should delivery services be used to provide food or beverage during the school day. If a student forgets their lunch, they just need to let an adult know and our Café manager will ensure they are properly fed.

Student Pickup/Dropoff

At Lawton Chiles, our first priority is to maintain a safe and orderly environment. Please adhere to the following procedures:

  1. Car riders are to be dropped off and picked up at the Sanctuary Drive entrance car ramp ONLY. Please do not drop students off on the bus ramp as this may delay our busses. Also, please do not drop students off at the 419 entrance to the school. Signs alerting visitors to this procedure are posted at the entrance to the bus ramp. Please follow the directions of staff on duty.
    Please do not park on the pick-up ramp and exit your car. If you must exit your car for any reason, please park in a parking space.
  2. To ensure the safety of our students during arrival and dismissal times please use additional caution when driving on to campus. The posted speed limit is 15 miles per hour. Please look twice for students and staff members while allowing them to cross the road when it is safe.
  3. For those students riding a school bus – students may ride ONLY their assigned bus. Students will not be permitted to ride home with a friend unless an EMERGENCY situation arises. Emergency situations do not include sleepovers, the desire to play with a friend, or needing to work on a project. In order to receive an EMERGENCY bus pass, EACH student is required to have a note written and signed by parents. The note will need to be delivered to the Dean for POSSIBLE approval.
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